Nano Puppy & Kitty


Cancel/Mode (circle button)
Left Cursor (left arrow button)
Right Cursor (right arrow button)
Confirm (square button)
There are two different modes for your Nano Kitty/Puppy:
Timer Mode and Game Mode

Remove the Activation Tab by pulling it straight out.
Your Nano Kitty/Puppy should now be activated.


Press button (circle) to enter Timer Mode
Press button (square) and hold until the numbers begin to blink.
Press button (left arrow) to advance the hour.
Press button (right arrow) to advance the minutes.
Press button (square) to enter the time and start the Timer.
Press button (circle) to go back to Game Mode.

After you set the current time on your Nano Kitty/Puppy, sit back and watch the wonders of binary birth, (be patient this takes a few minutes)


Press button (circle) to enter Timer Mode
Press button (left arrow button) to turn sound off (bell on display disappears)

Press button (right arrow button) to turn sound on (bell on display appears)
Press button (circle) to go back to Game Mode

KITTY/PUPPY'S HEALTH (picture of a scale)

In order to take good care of your Nano Kitty/Puppy, you must know what it needs.
To check the Kitty/Puppy's Health:
Press button (left button) or (right button) to select the Health icon on the screen. (picture of a scale)
Press button (square) to confirm your selection.
Scroll through the Health section using buttons (left arrow) or (right arrow)
You can check the following:

Age and Weight
Discipline (picture of a colored in face)
Happiness (picture of a clear happy face)
Hunger (picture of a plate of food)
Empty hearts indicate a low score and full hearts indicate a high score.
(NOTE: Always check the Health Icon when your Nano Kitty/Puppy cries)

FEEDING TIME (picture of a plate of food)

All Kitty/Puppy's work up an appetite so you'll want to feed your newborn Nano Kitty/Puppy right away.
To feed your Kitty/Puppy:
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the feeding icon on the screen.
Press button (square) to confirm your selection.
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the proper food.
(NOTE: Too many snacks are not good for your Nano Kitty/Puppy)
Press button (square) again to feed your Nano Kitty/Puppy

CLEANING TIME (picture of bathtub)

When your Nano Kitty/Puppy makes a mess, you have to clean it up - yuka-puk!
If you see some stinky digital droppings on your screen or tiny little paw prints, then it's time to clean your Nano Kitty/Puppy.
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the cleaning icon on the screen.
Press button (square) again to clean your Nano Kitty/Puppy.
Repeat as necessary.

PLAY TIME FOR NANO KITTY (picture of mit and ball)

Playing with your Nano Kitty is very important. There are two games you can play with your Nano Kitty.

Game 1 is peek-a-boo
Game 2 is chasing the mouse

Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the game icon on the screen.
Press button (square) to confirm your selection.
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select Game 1 or Game 2
Press button (square) to start the game

(GAME 1)
You must guess which way your kitty will look. If you think your kitty will look to the left then press button (left arrow) If you think your kitty will look to the right then press button (right arrow). Every time you guess correctly you make your kitty happy, guess wrong though, and your kitty becomes sad.

(GAME 2)
You must help your kitty catch the running mouse. At the start of the game a mouse runs across the screen. You have to help your kitty catch the mouse by pressing button (left arrow) to make your kitty run to the left or button (right arrow) to make your kitty run to the right. Hurry! You only have a few seconds to help your kitty catch the slippery mouse. If your kitty gets the mouse in time, it will be happy, if not it will be sad.

PLAY TIME FOR NANO PUPPY (picture of mit and ball)
Playing with your Nano Puppy is very important. There are two games you can play with your Nano Puppy

Game 1 is shaking hands.
Game 2 is playing ball.

Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the game icon on the screen.
Press button (square) to confirm your selection.
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select Game 1 or Game 2
Press button (square) to start the game

(GAME 1)
You must guess which way your puppy will shake. If you think your puppy will shake your left hand then press button (left arrow) If you think your puppy will shake your right hand then press button (right arrow). Every time you guess correctly you make your puppy happy, guess wrong though, and your puppy becomes sad.

(GAME 2)
You must help your puppy catch a ball. At the start of the game a ball falls from the top of the screen. If it falls on the left side of the screen you must press (left arrow) button to send your puppy to the left. If the ball falls on the right of the screen you must press (right arrow) button to send your puppy to the right. Hurry! You only have a few seconds to catch the ball. If your puppy gets the ball in time, it will be happy, if not it will be sad.

SLEEP TIME (picture of sun & moon)

Your Nano Kitty/Puppy must get plenty of rest, so when you see that your Nano Kitty/Puppy is snoring, turn out the lights.
To turn out the light:
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the light icon on the screen.
Press button (square) to confirm your selection.
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select either off or on.
Press button (square) again.
When your Kitty/Puppy wakes up don't forget to turn the lights back on.

DISCIPLINE(picture of colored in face)

If your Nano Kitty/Puppy begins to misbehave then you must discipline your Nano Kitty/Puppy.
(NOTE: Be sure to check the Health Icon first!) To teach your Nano Kitty/Puppy to behave, you must:
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the discipline icon on the screen.
Press button (square) to confirm your selection.

MEDICINE (picture of nurse)

If your Nano Kitty/Puppy gets sick, (picture of skull w/fumes) you must administer special medicine right away!
(NOTE: If your Nano Kitty/Puppy will not play with you or will not eat even though it is hungry, then your Nano Kitty/Puppy is, indeed, sick.)
Press button (left arrow) or (right arrow) to select the Medicine icon on the screen.
Press button (square) to confirm your selection.
Your Nano Kitty/Puppy's health will improve after the first dose of medicine and the icon will change appearance (picture of a clear face with black eyes). You will need to administer a second treatment 2 hours after the first in order to insure good health. If you attempt to give a second treatment in less than 2 hours from the first, it will take longer to make your Nano Kitty/Puppy healthy again.

If the attention icon appears along with a beep, you need to check on your Nano Kitty/Puppy.

Be a good pet owner and take very good care of your Nano Kitty/Puppy and it will grow big and strong and live a long life. If you neglect your Nano Kitty/Puppy, it will run away from home.

To start a new Nano Kitty/Puppy, simply:
Press buttons (circle) and (square) at the same time.
NOTE: Pressing these two buttons will cause the game to reset.
© 1997 Playmates Toys Inc. Toys Inc.
This page was last updated: February 7, 2007