Cute pet / Eggy!
The character is an alien. In this shell, one would expect it to be a bird of some sort. I'm kind of glad it's an alien. There aren't very many Alien pets floating around.
I have another pet with the same characters and growth. It's the same in every way. I've put screen shots of that one up with My "Eggy" Cute Pet.
Check meters and choose appropriate activities
Above average animation and background scenes
The creature matures in to a girl.
Games includes a left-right game, basketball, dodging and catching, and hearts/numbers.
It sleeps a LOT. Early to bed and doesn't wake up until around 1 in the afternoon.
MGA  VR creatures  Mermaid.
Not a Mermaid! It's a very cute fish pet. Nice graphics, easy to take care of.
I didn't get too far last time jut because I got too many new things at once! It's tough to resest the temptation of starting them all when you get some new ones. ;0)
Dr. Slump
Another nice virtual pet made by Bandai, the makers of Tamagotchi.
To get a nice feel for this one, visit my instruction page